Color Cast appears on final scan when scanning negatives

Color Cast appears on final scan when scanning negatives

You are scanning negatives and compared to the preview scan, the image finally saved differs in color and or brightness?

When scanning or processing negatives, the "NegaFix" filter gets different input data depending on the scanning resolution and scan frame content that's used. Depending on the scanner model and the motive, there might be a color cast appearing on the final scan which has not been visible in the initial preview before.

This is of course not what you want to have happening, but there is no real all-in-one-solution for this. Different Input creates different Output.

 Here is our suggestion how to get consistent output:

  • in a first step, please create the preview scan
  • align the red scan frame to the first exposure on the film and crop the film borders. Only information from the actual motive should be inside
  • next you set up all the tools and filters you want to use for this scan (next to NegaFix)
  • then, please go for the "Auto" checkbox in NegaFix and switch it off
  • start the final scan


Depending on which version of SilverFast you are using - SE, SE Plus or Ai Studio, the "Auto" checkbox in NegaFix is located at different spots. The screenshot below shows the "Auto" checkbox in SilverFast Ai Studio:


In SilverFast SE and SilverFast SE Plus it looks like this:


Once the "Auto" checkbox in NegaFix has been unticked, the filter will not be re-rendered during the final scan or when the scan-frame is adjusted in size or geometry. "CCR" in NegaFix behaves similar. If switching off the "Auto" checkbox does not already solve the issue, please do the same for "CCR" before you start the final scan. 


This issue does not appear in general, but related to the scanner model you are using and the actual motive you are scanning. This article has been written for SilverFast 9 but the suggested workflow can also be applied inside SilverFast 8 software products.