How can I scan several images at the same time?

How can I scan several images at the same time?

With a flatbed scanner you can scan image by image or a selection of images in a batch.

SilverFast is based on the use of frames. Each frame represents a single image and is going to be stored in a separate file. There is one active frame, which is red. The other frames are displayed in white. The settings are made for the red frame. To scan a batch of slides, select "Transparency", "Positive" and "48>24bit", then preview. For negatives, it's "Negative", of course. Some Epson scanners require "Transparency: Film" for scanning film using the Epson film holders.

Select a frame and make its settings (name, path, resolution 1800 or 2400 ppi, USM, iSRD, Auto-CCR and maybe Multi-Exposure (ME)). These functions work automatically without manual correction. Then click on "Frames" > "Find Frames" > Slide 35x23mm Holder (or 35mm Film Holder for films with slides or negatives). All frames that are created automatically have the setting of the original red frame. You can then click on each frame to make individual optimizations before clicking on the "Batch Scan" button, which is located in the horizontal bar and opens the "Export" dialog.


SilverFast 9 Export DialogSilverFast 9 Export Dialog


Attention. The settings in the "Export" dialog will overwrite the settings you have made for individual frames if you do not set them to "Use frame format" and leave the corresponding settings. However, in this dialog you can also set the name and path as well as the numbering.


Click "Export" when you are satisfied with the settings in this dialog. SilverFast will then scan the images in batches and save each frame as a single image.

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