Resolving Missing MSVC DLL Errors

Resolving Missing MSVC DLL Errors

MSVC is short for Microsoft Visual C and these files are part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.

Missing files of these types often look like this:


and similar files but they always start with MSVC.

Reinstalling the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable will solve this issue.

You can download the file here from the official Microsoft website:

Microsoft provides a single unified installer for all currently supported Visual C++ Redistributables.


In some cases other Software installs individual, older, or even manipulated Visual C++ Redistributables. You can find those in your Microsoft Apps & Features list in the Microsoft setting.

If you still have trouble I suggest uninstalling those and installing the official package from the link above.

In case you still have issues with missing files you can always check the Microsoft support community for more help:

I strongly advise against using individually downloaded files from third-party sites. These could contain malware, viruses and other security risks. Also, they are likely to be outdated and might even be incompatible with your system.